On 16th November the Kent and Sharpshooters Yeomanry Association met for their annual service and lunch to commemorate the Battle of Bir El Gubi. The action was the first time that both Regiments of Sharpshooters (3rd and 4th) went into action in WW2 as part of 22nd Armoured Brigade – the third armoured regiment in the brigade was 2RGH now part of Royal Wessex Yeomanry. The brigade was unique in that it was the only TA armoured brigade and stayed that way until 1942.The service – attended by the Commanding Officer RY - was held at The Queens Chapel, St James’s Palace and the service was led by the Rev Bill Scott who is the sub dean of the Chapels Royal ably assisted by Mike Shaw a former OC at Croydon – when they had Comet tanks. The new Association banner – guidon shaped – was blessed during the service. Following the service the congregation repaired to the Civil Service Club for lunch.