Major Barry Fearn TD FRSA, Regimental Medical Officer (RMO), Kent & Sharpshooters Yeomanry (KSY) and HQ (KCLY) Squadron 71st Yeomanry Signal Regiment
The son of a dentist, Barry Fearn was educated at Shrewsbury School, Cambridge University and St Mary’s Hospital in London.
Barry joined the KSY after national service as the RMO with The Royal Irish Fusiliers in Germany, Libya and Sudan. The KSY was disbanded in the 1967 cuts to the TA, but in 1980 his despairing wife asked a friend if Barry could get back into the TA as he was bored at weekends. He returned to serve with those Sharpshooters who had changed role and were now serving with other yeomen in a new regiment of the Royal Signals.