Villers-Bocage - what really happened?
A week after the Normandy Landings a column of 7th Armoured Division, with 4 CLY leading, was sent through a gap in the German lines to cut off their forward troops.
4CLY’s lead squadron of British tanks passed through Villers-Bocage and were deploying on the hill beyond when ‘all hell broke loose’.
Tiger tanks were reported north and south of the main Caen road, cutting off the advance. Back towards Villers, one of the Tigers set about the light vehicles of the accompanying infantry, before heading into the town, taking out three of the four headquarters tanks. Only when it turned onto the high street did the Tiger run into more robust opposition, whereupon it beat a hasty retreat. Reports imply that the Tiger was immobilised, probably by a 6-pdr anti-tank gun of the infantry.